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Ferrars Junior School

01582 574933


Mental Health and Well Being

We see the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, families and staff as a key priority at Ferrars. We believe that if we support our pupils to be ’emotionally wealthy’ then they will have the best opportunity to reach their full potential.

This section of our website introduces you to the mental health and wellbeing work we do at Ferrars including the Wellbeing team.

We are really proud of our whole school community’s approach to supporting each others’ mental health and wellbeing.


World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2023

The April Well Being Walk

This April, join us for our Wellbeing Walk. We challenge you and your family to walk as much and as far as you can. Count your steps, or time your walks. Get those trainers ready! Click the button below for more details.

Walking Challenge

Children's Mental Health Week - 6th- 10th February

  • As one of our Task Master challenges we had to make a rainbow. Birch did a fantastic job!
  • Our parents' fitness session was so much fun! It gave our House Captains the opportunity to show off their aerobic skills, teaching the parent's some moves. 
  • We have been selling hot chocolate to raise money for our Year 6 residential. 








Staying Happy & Safe Online

Here are some links to websites that can help you when Keeping Children Safe Online:

 national online safety saferinternet.org.uk NSPCC

online safety resources whatsapp what parents need to know.pdf


Five Ways To Well Being


UsefuI Information